At The Changemaker Project, we equip young people with the tools and skills they need to create a better world.


The Parent Company of ChangeMaker Ventures is CILA Labs which is a technology incubator poised to launch 10,000 tech companies by 2031. As a member of ChangeMaker Ventures, you will have early access to invest in any of these companies in an angel round where the minimum investment is only $10,000 in exchange for equity.

We've all heard of Ghandi. Mother Teresa. Marie Curie. Rosa Parks.

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Changemaker Educations AB etablerades 2012 och är ett systerbolag till Changemaker AB. Changemaker AB har sedan slutet av 1990-talet, parallellt med övrig konsultverksamhet, drivit yrkeshögskole- och spjutspetsutbildningar inom datorspel, projektledning, 3d-animation, webbutveckling och programmering med stark branschanknytning. The Evolution of Consciousness, A Do It Yourself Decentralized Uprising, #NoneButOurselves #ParadigmShift #QuantumPolitics #FreqPower Vill du skapa positiv förändring i samhället? Changemakers Yard finns till för att stötta upp dig som vill gå från idé till handling i att agera som en samhällsförändrande kraft! Här får du konkreta verktyg, inspiration från etablerade sociala entreprenörer och Changemakers samt en stor bank av nyttiga länkar. Changemaker Jobs. 11 hrs ·.

Keeping your business running is our #1 priority. You’ll get the service and attention that you deserve.

Your purchase of this bag helps the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project ( CTAOP) advance the health, education, and community support for African youth.

Akhil Sharma. 65IC. A 100,000 children – a whole generation– in and around the national parks Gonarezhou in Zimbabwe and Limpopo in Mozambique are being educated and empowered through the Peace & Changemaker Generation project, as changemakers who can take a stand against wildlife crime, and for girls’ rights in their communities.


Changemakers is a five-part Belgian series about people who have initiated a process of change that gives hope for a better future for us all. The makers of


Changemaker is a term you will hear a lot at the University of Northampton, and there are great reasons why. In 2013 we were the first university in the UK to be given the title of Changemaker Campus by Ashoka U, a community of leaders and institutions who work to find solutions to society’s problems through Higher Education and beyond..

Join us in creating a happier,  UC San Diego is driving positive change locally and worldwide and has been designated as a Changemaker Campus by Ashoka U. Top teams of youth innovators receive mentoring and funding, while the world benefits from young people's amazing ideas. In partnership with Ashoka, we bring  A remarkable thing happened last week at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia: Bill Clinton chose to encapsulate Hillary's public service career  Dec 21, 2020 How Tim Lampkin is supporting and expanding Black business ownership in the U.S. · Go to the profile of Ashoka · Ashoka. Apr 6. Ready to make some change?
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11 hrs ·. New vacancies alert! @nesta_uk are now hiring for the following roles: - Head of Operations - Nesta Challenges - Challenge Director - UK Technologies & Markets. Details at

So when it comes to your change machine let us do the worrying. At Changemaker, we provide unparalleled service, from our knowledgeable sales staff to our factory-trained technicians. Keeping your business running is our #1 priority. You’ll get the service and attention that you deserve.
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Bakom Changemaker Psychology står Johan Lundberg, legitimerad psykolog, specialiserad på positiv förändring. Johan använder moderna forskningsbaserade verktyg för att skapa positiv, hållbar förändring hos individer, grupper, organisationer och samhället.

Changemaker is a Change Agency that engages in projects for social good; locally and internationally. We have over 20 years experience as consults within change management, leadership and collaboration.

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"The Changemaker Project transferred me into a new person who is even more passionate about issues regarding the world. It made me a better team-player and I enjoyed the process a lot. The people who I was working with became my friends and I am looking forward to participating in this project every year until I become 24 years old!" -Mariam

260 gillar. We are a change agency.